Personalised and Professional Education and Training (RTO Code 31424)

Code of Practice


The Animal Industries Resource Centre is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO number: 31424) registered with The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector. This Code of Practice applies to all stakeholders involved with training within the AIRC’s scope and addresses how the RTO ensures clients’ rights as a consumer are protected and that they receive services as detailed in their agreement with the RTO.


The AIRC will meet all legislative requirements of State and Federal Government. In particular, Workplace Health & Safety, Workplace Relations and Vocational Placement Standards will be met at all times.

The AIRC ensures compliance with Standard 20 of the NVR standards and are prepared to fully inform staff and clients of the legislative and regulatory requirements that affect their duties or participation in vocational education and training.

SNR 20 Compliance with Legislation

20.1 The NVR registered training organisation must comply with relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements relevant to its operations and its scope of registration.

 20.2 The NVR registered training organisation must ensure that its staff and clients are fully informed of legislative and regulatory requirements that affect their duties or participation in vocational education and training.

Marketing and Advertising

The AIRC markets our vocational education and training products with integrity, accuracy and professionalism, avoiding vague and ambiguous statements. In the provision of information, no false or misleading comparisons are drawn with any other training organisations or training product.

Fees and Charges

The AIRC informs all prospective students and clients of all the fees and charges they will incur throughout their studies prior to enrolment. The AIRC has a a fair and equitable Refund Policy refund policy that is documented within the Student Handbook which is provided to all clients prior to enrolment.

Access and Equity

All students will be enrolled in an ethical and responsible manner and consistent with the requirements of the National Training Package. Our Access and Equity Policy ensures that student selection decisions comply with equal opportunity legislation. The AIRC ensures that services should be available to everyone who is entitled to them and should be free of any form of discrimination irrespective of a person’s country of birth, language, culture, race or religion. Services should be developed and delivered on the basis of fair treatment of clients who are eligible to receive them.

Industry Engagement

The AIRC has a commitment to providing a quality service and a focus on continuous improvement. Our training programs are developed in consultation with industry representatives to ensure the relevancy to industry requirements. We value feedback from all students, employers, relevant industry representatives and staff for incorporation into future education programs.

Student Support

The AIRC ensures that all students are treated fairly and they will receive reasonable assistance to successfully complete their course within the expected timeframes.

Policies and Procedures

The AIRC has in place, and will continue to develop and improve policies and procedures focussed on meeting stakeholder needs. A copy of these can be obtained by contacting the AIRC on 07 3621 6005.

Refund Policy

Refunds may be available under certain circumstances. Download a copy of the policy here.

Management and Administration

The AIRC has policies and management strategies, which ensure sound financial and administrative practices. AIRC management guarantees the organisations sound financial position and safeguards student fees until used for training/assessment. Student records are managed securely and confidentially and available for students perusal on request. The AIRC has adequate insurance policies.

Training and Assessment

The AIRC has personnel with appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver the training and facilitate the assessment relevant to the training products offered. Assessment will meet the National Assessment Principals (including Recognition of Prior Learning). Adequate facilities, equipment and training materials will be utilised to ensure the learning environment is conducive to the success of students. Assessment procedures are tailored to suit each particular course. Assessment criteria are supplied prior to registration; details of the assessment procedure will be explained to the students by their trainer at the commencement of training. The AIRC adopt a quality policy of integrating workplace assessment to ensure fair and equitable outcomes for the student and the profession.


The AIRC implements standards and procedures to ensure the safeguard of any confidential information as outlined in the AQTF (Australian Quality Training Framework) standard 4.1. Details, records and assessments are not privy to third parties without the written consent of the student. Students may access their files at any stage. If required to do so, please contact us so that we can arrange an appropriate time.


The AIRC will honour all guarantees outlined in this Code of Practice. We understand that if we do not meet the obligations of this code or supporting regulatory requirements, we may have our registration as a Registered Training Organisation withdrawn.

External Review

The AIRC has agreed to participate in external monitoring and audit processes required by ASQA. This covers quality audits, audit following complaint, and audit for the purpose of re-registration.

In the event of closure or deregistration by Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

In the unlikely event that the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) ceases operation the RTO is required to provide to ASQA a record of all qualifications and statements of attainment issued to students. The RTO will assist all students in transferring to another RTO to complete their studies and abide by the requirements set out by ASQA to any financial obligations.